Spread Happiness, Save The Planet

Since many different materials are required to manufacture toys, they can be tough to recycle.


Under no circumstance should you put children’s toys in your recycling bin!


Toys We Loved gives you a reason to say YES to your child every time they ask for a new toy. We want to help you save up to 90% on most of your purchases by buying pre-loved toys, and in return, you can help save the planet by re-selling and allowing non-biodegradable toys to be given a second life and bring a smile to another child’s face.  

It would be best if you didn’t stop at buying and selling pre-loved toys for your child. We would also like you to make a difference in our society by donating pre-loved toys to:- Children’s charities, children’s hospitals, daycares, nurseries, playgroups, to name a few.

Wanting to donate pre-loved toys is commendable and can seem overwhelming. Still, by making the “Blessing in a Toy” a family affair, you can get extra toy clutter out of your home while instilling a spirit of giving within your kids.